Legal Notice
This legal notice regulates access to and use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), owned by Món CReación Audiovisual S.C. (hereinafter, “Món CReación”), with CIF J-19626027 and registered address at C/Paco Seco de Lucena, no9. Bajo C. 18009. GRANADA.
By accessing and using the Website, it is understood that the user fully and unreservedly accepts the content of this legal notice, as well as any other legal provisions that may be applicable.
Món CReación reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice at any time and without prior notice, therefore it is recommended that the user periodically review the terms and conditions.
The purpose of the Website is to provide users with information about the services provided by Món CReación. The information contained on the Website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commercial, contractual, or advisory offer in any case.
Món CReación is not responsible for the use that users may make of the information and content on the Website, nor for any damages that may result from access or use thereof.
The Website may contain links to third-party websites that are owned and the responsibility of other owners. Món CReación is not responsible for the content or operation of such websites, nor for any possible damages that may result from access or use thereof.
Món CReación guarantees compliance with regulations regarding the protection of personal data and the privacy of users of the Website. For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy.
Any dispute that may arise from access to or use of the Website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Granada, with the user waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
If you have any doubts or questions about the content of this legal notice, please contact us through the following email address: